Flight Lieutenant Kristofor Sieczkowski
FLTLT Kris Sieczkowski, 34, grew up on the Central Coast, NSW. Coming from a family of ag pilots, his dad began giving him flying lessons when he was 12 years old. He joined the RAAF in 2008 and graduated 220 pilots’ course in 2010. After receiving his wings, he went on to fly the F/A-18 ‘Classic’ Hornet for 75SQN in Tindal, NT. This posting also included an operational deployment in the Middle East in 2015.
Following his tour on the Hornet, Kris completed Flying Instructor Course before going on to instruct at 79 & 76SQN on the Hawk 127 Lead-In Fighter. He then completed F35 conversion in the United States in 2020 before posting to Central Flying School in 2022. This is his fourth season with the Roulettes.
When Kris isn’t flying a PC-21, you’ll find him flying aerobatics in his own aeroplane, a Giles 202. He’s also a competitive skydiver and is a member of the Australian Parachute Team. Kris also enjoys various other outdoor sports including surfing, snowboarding and paragliding.