Air Force heritage aircraft flypast at RAAF Base Wagga

An Air Force heritage aircraft from No. 100 Squadron (100SQN) will fly from Temora to conduct a flypast in support of No. 1 Recruit Training Unit Course 04/23 Graduation Parade at RAAF Base Wagga.

The aircraft from 100SQN will conduct two passes over the RAAF Base Wagga parade ground before returning to Temora, NSW.

For information about the 100SQN fleet of heritage aircraft visit Air Force Heritage Aircraft Fleet page.

Flying is subject to variables including air traffic control requirements, weather, and operational availability. As such, flypasts and displays may be subject to cancellation at short notice.


For more information, visit the Defence Aircraft Noise website or call 1300 DEFENCE (1300 333 362).

Flying schedule

  • Wednesday, 26 April 2023