Flying schedule
- PC 21 Aircraft aerobatic display @10:00am daily
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A Royal Australian Air Force PC-21 aircraft will perform daily aerobatic displays in support of VCE Physics Day at Luna Park.
Students will witness the thrill of flight as the aircraft twists and turns above to demonstrate how motion is key to physics and bring this principle to life. The initiative highlights the Air Force’s commitment to education and the community.
Media note
Air Academy Operations Officer Flight Lieutenant Rhys Wood is available for interview. Please contact the media contacts below to arrange an interview.
More information regarding the Pilatus PC-21 be found at
More information about the VCE Physics Day can be found at
Media contacts
Regional Manager Public Affairs Vic/TAS Mr Robert Hogan 0477 706 009 or
Assistant Regional Manager Public Affairs Anna Maria Kendrick 0428 394 935
Defence Media:
For more information, visit the Defence Aircraft Noise website or call 1300 DEFENCE (1300 333 362).