F-35A Lightning II aircraft conducts display practice over Hawks Nest area

Date & time

25 October 2023, 3:00 pm


Northern side of Port Stephens encompassing Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest,
New South Wales

A single F-35A Lightning II aircraft will conduct handling display practice in designated airspace over the Hawks Nest and Tea Gardens area.

Fast jet aircraft from RAAF Base Williamtown use the airspace around the northern edge of Port Stephens as a designated display practice area. All display practice activities are conducted within strict safety and operational guidelines.

The flying activity schedule is subject to change, including short notice cancellation, due to variables such as air traffic control, weather and other aviation considerations.

Safety, noise management and the environment are vital considerations in the planning and conduct of Defence flying activities. Participating aircraft will operate with a view to minimising the impact on the local communities.

Imagery of the F-35A aircraft can be found on the Defence Image Gallery.

Information regarding the F-35A Lightning II aircraft is available on our Aircraft Page.


For more information, visit the Defence Aircraft Noise website or call 1300 DEFENCE (1300 333 362).

Flying schedule

  • A single F-35A Lightning II aircraft will conduct handling display practice in designated airspace over the Hawks Nest and Tea Gardens area
  • Wednesday 25 Oct 2023 - Approximately 3:00 PM