F-35A Lightning ll aircraft conduct navigational exercises around Tasmania

Up to four F-35A Lightning II aircraft from Number 77 Squadron from Royal Australia Air Force Base Williamtown will conduct navigation exercises around Tasmania.

Media Note

Number 77 Squadron is conducting navigation exercises in the region.

The aircraft do not plan to land at any Tasmanian airports.

The Squadron is participating in multiple different training scenarios for junior aircrew during this week and are taking the opportunity to conduct navigation exercises and tactical missions whilst in southern Australia.

Flying is subject to change due to variables such as air traffic control requirements, weather, and other aviation considerations.

Noise reduction and the environment are vital considerations in the planning and conduct of military flying. 

Further information about the F-35A Lightning II can be found at 

F-35A Lightning II | Royal Australian Air Force

Imagery of the F-35A Lightning II is available at http://images.defence.gov.au/S20221129

Media Contacts

Anna-Marie Kendrick - 0428 394 935
Defence Media - media@defence.gov.au

For more information, visit the Defence Aircraft Noise website or call 1300 DEFENCE (1300 333 362).

Flying schedule

  • Up to 4 x F-35As - flying conducted throughout the morning