Deputy Chief of Air Force

Air Vice-Marshal Harvey Reynolds, AM

The Deputy Chief of Air Force acts as the manager of the Air Force Headquarters (AFHQ) and provides strategic leadership of Air Force Headquarters in the following domains:

  • Air Power concepts and doctrine
  • Enterprise Design Strategy
  • Preparedness
  • Policy
  • AFHQ Resource and Business Management
  • Corporate Governance
  • Reputation, brand management and heritage preservation
  • Holistic workforce and Cadet management
  • Personnel wellbeing mechanisms and organisational culture

Air Vice-Marshal Harvey Reynolds enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in 1994 as an Airfield Defence Guard, serving at No 1 and No 2 Airfield Defence Squadrons until he was accepted for commission to Ground Defence Officer in 1997.

As a junior officer he was posted to 2 Airfield Defence Squadron (deploying to East Timor on OP STABILISE/WARDEN); No 322 Combat Support Squadron; the RAAF Security and Fire School; Executive Officer, No 2 Airfield Defence Squadron (leading an Air Force detachment on OP TSUNAMI ASSIST at Banda Aceh airfield in December 2004 and January 2005); and Chief Instructor, Combat Survival Training School.

AVM Reynolds was promoted to Squadron Leader and posted to 396 Expeditionary Combat Support Wing in 2007. Soon after, he joined the newly formed Special Tactics Project within Headquarters Air Combat Group. He completed Commando Reinforcement Training Cycle that year and Joint Terminal Attack Controller Course in 2008. He led the Air Force Special Tactics Flight, which subsequently became B Flight (CCT), No 4 Squadron, deploying twice in support of Special Operations Task Group as part of OP SLIPPER.

AVM Reynolds was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia in January 2011 for his exceptional service to the RAAF in the promotion of Air Power. He was promoted to Wing Commander and appointed as Commanding Officer, No 4 Squadron in 2013, where he was responsible for leading Air Force’s Joint Terminal Attack Controller training, the Combat Control Teams and Forward Air Controller capabilities.

AVM Reynolds attended the United States Air Force Air War College in Montgomery, Alabama over 2017/18 completing a Masters in Strategic Studies in the Grand Strategy program. On return from the US in May 2018, AVM Reynolds was promoted to Group Captain and appointed as Chief of Staff within Headquarters Air Combat Group.

On promotion to Air Commodore in January 2021, he served as Deputy Director Operations (J3) in United States Special Operations Command at MacDill AFB, Tampa, Florida. His performance in this role earned him the USSOCOM Medal, and the US Legion of Merit–Officer. In January 2023, AVM Reynolds returned to Australia and assumed the position of Deputy Air Commander Australia.

AVM Reynolds was promoted to Air Vice-Marshal in August 2023 and appointed as Deputy Chief of Air Force.

AVM Reynolds holds a Bachelor in Professional Studies from the University of New England and a Masters in Strategic Studies from the US Air University. He is married to Tricia, who served 20 years in the Air Force and now helps place assistance dogs with people living with disabilities.

Air Vice-Marshal Harvey Reynolds, AM